The goal of this article is to give you an overview of the best practices that you can use when redesigning or developing a new user interface for a legacy application. You will learn about the Agile UI/UX design methodology, which we developed at our company, and which has been successfully used on multiple projects over the last two years.

The main message is: you don’t have to start from scratch, but rather from what already exists and build upon it. It’s also important not to forget about UX during development, as it will affect your app in a significant way. What Is UI/UX Design? UI/UX design stands for User Interface and User Experience design. A user interface (UI) is what users see when they use your product; it consists of elements such as text fields, buttons, drop-down menus, sliders etc. The purpose of UX (User Experience) design is to help users achieve their goals in an efficient and intuitive way using your app’s UI. Good UX emphasizes usability and helps create an experience that makes users feel comfortable when interacting with the application.

So basically good UX allows users to quickly accomplish tasks without having to spend extra time searching for functions or features within the app; they know intuitively how everything works: where are buttons located, how do I perform certain actions etc. This results in positive feelings towards your application among its users – they like it! And if users like your product it increases chances that they’ll come back again (and again!) or even recommend it to friends and colleagues; thus creating more valuable connections for your business!

That’s why good UX design is so important to modern applications – especially mobile applications! Of course there are many other aspects related to creating a great user experience on mobile apps: for example, you can focus on speed, reliability of the app’s back-end, its security etc. But for now let’s concentrate on important steps you need to take when redesigning a UI or developing a new one from scratch. Agile UI/UX Design Methodology Let’s start with defining the goals of your redesign: what are you trying to achieve?

For example, you might want to improve your users’ experience with an existing app by fixing some major bugs/issues that they face every day! Or maybe you want to completely change your app’s design and make it look more modern. In any case it is important that upon completion of the redesign process you will have documented all changes in the form of a detailed report, which will serve as a blueprint for designers and developers who will be responsible for implementing them into code.

The report should help them direct themselves in terms of functionality and UX throughout the development phase; this way there should be no surprises while working on the project and reducing rework! The Agile approach is perfect for such tasks because it allows us to go through multiple iterations quickly and efficiently. And here comes our cool Agile UI/UX design methodology! Before we begin, let me say that I’m not going to explain everything about its inner workings – there are many resources on the internet which can tell you everything about Agile so I won’t repeat it here (for example check out this article by DZone).

Instead I’ll focus only on explaining how we apply Agile principles within our company during UI/UX design projects. So let’s get started! In my opinion each Agilist needs three things: a good project manager, friendly developers, and constant communication.

1) A Good Project Manager Is The Key To Success

It’s essential to have a good project manager who can keep track of everything that is happening on the project. He/she should be in constant contact with developers and designers, making sure that there are no problems on the project and that everyone is working towards the same goal(s). During our company’s Agile projects we use JIRA as our main tool for managing issues. As you might have guessed it’s an issue-tracking software created by Atlassian (if you want to learn more about this tool check out this article).

Each task which needs to be done during the design process should be written down in JIRA as an individual ticket. Of course not all tasks will be connected to redesigning UI or developing a new one from scratch, but it’s necessary to document every single step so that you know what has been done, what still needs to be done, and how much time was spent on each step. That way it will be easier for you to plan future iterations of your project!

2) Friendly Developers Are A Must-Have!

After you’ve defined your goals and started redesigning UI/UX – now it’s time for developers! They should play an active role during the process because they’ll be responsible for creating all those beautiful designs into code (or rather HTML/CSS files). So they need information on how things work in order to make them look pretty (which is their part of job!) It’s essential that developers are friendly with designers; if they’re not then probably there will be a lot of friction between them which can lead to problems within design phase; when designers don’t feel welcomed by developers or vice versa – trouble happens! But I’m sure that within your company there must be at least one developer who would love to help designers with their tasks!

3) Constant Communication Is A Must-Have Too!

If you want to be successful with your project you need to understand that communication is the key to success. Constant communication between team members will help make the process more efficient and timely. The sooner everyone is aware of any problems or issues that arise, the sooner they can be solved. If your goal is to launch a new version of an app in 6 months time then it’s necessary for you to stick with this plan; don’t postpone deadlines because things may not go as planned!

Make sure that all members of your team understand this and know what has to be done by when! And here we have it – our Agile UI/UX methodology! I hope it will help you design awesome UIs for your applications and create a great user experience for your users in the process. To sum up, let me say that at my company we’ve been using this approach for about two years now and it works great for us (we’re still alive so we must be doing something right!) So if you want to make your life easier during UI/UX design projects try using Agile methodologies like Scrum or Kanban – they will save you a lot of time and energy.

Marco Lopes

Excessive Crafter of Things


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