Commercial Hosting Service


Hosting plan for established businesses (10-29 people).

Usage Level


SKU: N/A Category: Tag:


Commercial hosting services start with included application infrastructure costs associated with peer to peer sharing and traffic of over 5,000 unique visits a month.

Kordspace offers evergreen complimentary monthly hosting packages for start up businesses who purchase turn key project deployments as a package service within Google Cloud Platform, offered only with Kordspace (a Google Start Up). Contact us to ask about getting credits for hosting with your turn key project build. With our most basic evergreen monthly hosting plan you get 1 hour per month of complimentary support once your website is completed, indefinitely. This is about $400/year in savings for the average business. Additional hours required are billed at $50/hr as needed. Most organizations may require additional hosting resources to be made available. For those special cases we have several levels of packages available for servicing the scaling needs and expense associated with web applications and cloud environments.